Star Power for Preschoolers

Andrew Oser (Author), Taia Morley (Illustrator)

P/B • 110 pages
ISBN 1884834353

Learning Life Skills Through Physical Play

Physical play has always been an important aspect of a childs growth. The goal of Star Power for Preschoolers, writes author Andrew Oser, is to provide a creative approach to helping children develop five important life skills concentration, relaxation, cooperation, imagination and self-esteem while having fun with physical play. Based on Osers highly successful Star Program, Star Power for Preschoolers begins by emphasizing the role play has in a childs development and then continues with imaginative activities and coaching tips. Clear illustrations and step-by-step detail help to explain each of the 60+ movement activities. A final section outlines how to begin to develop lesson plans for your own Star Program.

$44.95 (incl GST)




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