Children’s Rights Learning Book

Deborah Harcourt

64 Pages • P/B
ISBN 9781876138394

Children’s Rights Learning Book is the first book written by young children for young children and teachers about rights.

This project investigated whether the mandated rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child are put into action by educators in children’s everyday lives. As the project progressed, it became more apparent that the children, who were four and five years old, were constructing a set of rights that were more closely connected to their lived experience of childhood than the rhetorical rights as outlined in the Convention.

A book for teachers and the children they care for, it will provoke deep thought in the reader.

‘… the need to take a more active stance on children’s participatory rights is particularly important when there are significant changes in early childhood education and care, including the implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework which seeks to embody these rights in educators’ daily practice.

Children’s Rights Learning Book is an inspirational document that highlights children’s sense of fairness and concern for others.’

Dr Valerie Aloa,
Chair, Lillian deLissa
and Jean Denton
Scholarships Committee, University of South Australia


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