Use Your Words

Carol Garhart Mooney

P/B • 150mm x 230mm • 132 Pages
ISBN 9781929610679

How Teacher Talk Helps Children Learn

Where did our computer crash? If Gabriel woke up on the wrong side of the bed, which is the right side?

When adults speak, children listen. It may not always seem that way, but it’s true. Children count on us to make sense of the world for them, and talking to—and with—them is one way we do this.

Use Your Words examines adults’ communication and its influence on children’s behavior and learning.

From the author of the best seller Theories of Childhood, this humourous and thoughtful guide looks closely at opportunities teachers commonly miss.

Among them are the ability to:

• support cognitive development through meaningful conversation
• develop receptive language (words children understand) and expressive language (words children can say)
• avoid and address behavioral issues in the classroom

Use Your Words also offers ways to transform the language you use in the classroom — with a wealth of classroom examples — to say exactly what you want to say to children.

Whether you’re a new teacher or a classroom veteran, this must-have guide will help you fill your classroom with rich, warm conversations for both children and adults.

$34.95 (incl GST)



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