Intentional Teaching

Anne Houghton

86 pages • P/B • 292 x 205 mm
ISBN 9781921613722

This book helps educators in all settings to understand the principles of intentional teaching, and highlights how intentional teaching practices can support learning outcomes for children. The book includes shared understandings of intentional teaching through conversation and reflection with many educators. Its purpose is to portray real and meaningful stories to highlight the ways in which educators have been intentional when planning for education and care with children.

Discussion explores the confusion that seems to exist among some educators. They misinterpret it and either think there is no need for intentional teaching, think it is formal instruction in a play-based curriculum or are unsure of what it looks like in practice. Through a shared conversation, the author presents practical strategies with insight, humour and common sense which will resonate with educators of all levels.

Contents include:

• what we need to consider
• creating an environment for intentional teaching
• identifying opportunities for intentional teaching
• the role of the educator

$49.95 (incl GST)



Additional information

Weight 1.0000 g
Dimensions 292 × 205 mm


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