Circle of Love (out of print)

Amy C. Baker, Lynn A. Manfredi-Petitt

P/B • 144 pages
ISBN 9781884834424

Relationships Between Parents, Providers, and Children in Family Child Care

Current research on brain development confirms what our hearts already know: children need to be with people who care about them. Today, many children spend their days with people who are not family members. Paid caregivers are responsible for comforting children, recognizing their discoveries, and celebrating their milestones. Like parents, many of these caregivers invest fully in childrens lives. They care deeply, and children love them back. Parents are not always comfortable with the ties that grow in child care settings. They want caregivers to love their children, but sometimes they become unsettled when love is mutual and children become attached.

Circle of Love is the first book to explore the emotionally charged issue of love in the child care setting. Based on real-life interviews, this invaluable resource introduces the reader to parents and providers who have found ways to work together to meet the attachment needs of children. The book demonstrates that everyone benefits when parents and providers redesign the family circle and surround each child with love.

$38.95 (incl GST)




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