Emotions Card Sets from The I Am, Movement

Emotions with Aboriginal designs by Aboriginal artists

“The I Am, Movement” arose from the recent diagnosis of my two-year-old son, Slade, with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As we attended therapy appointments and doctors’ visits, we were given piles of information and resources but found there to be a lack of culturally appropriate support, resources and connection for Aboriginal families.

To address this lack of resources, we offer beautiful Aboriginal-designed flash cards appropriate for use at home, in education settings and in child therapy teams. These flashcards are a tool of healing and connecting to culture on our journey. One set of flashcards teaches numbers 1 – 10 and the other set teaches the alphabet alongside images of native animals.

In addition to offering culturally-safe learning resources, “The I Am, Movement” aims de-stigmatise conditions by instead focusing on what you want to be; “I am, unique”, “I am, strong”, “I am, deadly”.

$33.00 (incl GST)