Social Inclusion and The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

Margaret Sims

80 Pages • P/B
ISBN 9781876138370

A Way of Working

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) is the first national framework for Australian early years professionals. The framework emphasises being, belonging and becoming. It argues that belonging — having relationships and a place in people’s lives — is essential for wellbeing. Children need to be, to explore and make their own meanings of the world as they learn and grow, participate in society and become who they are to be.

In Social Inclusion, the author states that ‘The Early Years Learning Framework requires us to think about our work with children and the learning opportunities we offer. Our work needs to be grounded in secure, loving and respectful relationships (between us and the children), and true partnerships with parents. We hold high expectations for each child and understand that equity means we offer whatever support is necessary to enable each child to succeed (and recognise that the support we offer will be different for each child). In this way we demonstrate not only a respect for diversity, but a valuing of diversity. In reality all children are different and we work with children in ways that value their uniqueness.’

This book aims to walk you through a way of working that honours the principles of the EYLF and it doesn’t matter if you are working with a child who is identified as having additional needs or a child who is not identified in that way.



Chapter One It all starts with values
Children’s development is fairly standard
Link to the EYLF

Chapter Two Beginning the planning
The importance of relationships
Beginning with strengths
A rights perspective in assessment
Link to the EYLF

Chapter Three Implementing our plans
Link to the EYLF

Chapter Four Planning in the home
Link to the EYLF

The final word
Reference Lisl


$42.95 (incl GST)